Storytelling Cards: Once Upon A Story... Mythology
      Storytelling Cards: Once Upon A Story... Mythology

      Storytelling Cards: Once Upon A Story... Mythology

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      Storytelling Cards: Once Upon A Story... Mythology

      Συγγραφέας: Κρόκος Μάνος
      Εκδόσεις: Κίτρινο Πατίνι
      Έτος τρέχουσας έκδοσης: 2018
      ISBN: 978-618-83354-6-2
      Διαθεσιμότητα: Κυκλοφορεί

      Σελίδες: 56
      Ηλικίες από:5 ετών
      έως: 5

      Storytelling Cards are exactly that! A flashcards game for developing narrative skills. The box contains 56 flashcards which inspire you to create your own stories with heroes and creatures from the Greek Mythology!

      The game promotes imagination, narrative skills, empathy and creativeness. The child can tell their story or even create their own theater play.

      For children 5-12 years old.

      Data sheet

      Κρόκος Μάνος
      Ετός Έκδοσης