Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book 2nd Edition
      Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book 2nd Edition

      Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book 2nd Edition

      40,16 €
      47,24 €
      Έκπτωση 15%
      Με ΦΠΑ
      κατοπιν παραγγελίας

      Oxford University Press

      • Αποστολές:Αποστολές:Κόστος 2,20 ευρώ στην Ελλάδα. -Αντικαταβολή 1,30. -Δωρεάν αποστολές για παραγγελίες άνω των 45 ευρώ.

      Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book 2nd Edition

      Εκδότης : Oxford University Press

      ISBN : 9780194553728

      Τάξη : B1+

      Σειρα : Solutions
      Συγγραφέας: im FallaPaul A Davies

      Διαθεσιμότητα: Κατόπιν παραγγελίας

      The Teacher's book includes notes for every unit, and provides numerous ways to extend the material. Unit overviews give a map of all the resources available, and include ideas for songs and useful web links. Included in the CD-ROM pack are printable worksheets to revise and expand core vocabulary and grammar, additional unit reviews for extra vocabulary support, and communicative worksheets for pair-work speaking. These resources are perfect for mixed ability classes, offering support for weaker students and extension material for faster learners.

      Oxford University Press


      Ετός Έκδοσης
      Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book 2nd Edition im Falla-Paul A. Davies Oxford University Press

      Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book 2nd Edition

      40,16 €
      47,24 €
      Έκπτωση 15%
      Με ΦΠΑ